Looking for Sous Vide Recipes

With the success of our sous vide bookCooking Sous Vide: A Guide for the Home Cookwe've decided to work on a supplemental book full of sous vide recipes. We have a lot of our own recipes but we're also going to be looking to the sous vide community for your favorite recipes.

All people contributing sous vide recipes will get a mention in the book with a brief bio and a link to your website for every recipe that we take. We hope you all have some good recipes to share and we are definitely looking forward to trying them all out!

Submit your sous vide recipe here
Jason logsdon headshot This article is by me,Jason Logsdon. I'm an adventurous home cook and professional blogger who loves to try new things, especially when it comes to cooking. I've explored everything from sous vide and whipping siphons to pressure cookers and blow torches; created foams, gels and spheres; made barrel aged cocktails and brewed beer. I have also written 10 cookbooks on modernist cooking and sous vide and I run the AmazingFoodMadeEasy.com website.
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